Thursday, January 17, 2008

All About Baby

Social Behaviour
Your child shys away from people, whereas your friend's child will come into your arms. Do you need to know more about what goes on in the mind of a child?

  • - The First Year: Smiling, Laughing and Becoming Social
  • - The Second Year: Ways of Dealing with your Child
  • - The Third Year: Managing Fears, Bed-wetting
  • - Social Skills
  • - Is Your Baby Shy?
  • - Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Intellectual Development

Can your baby really recognise your voice, or are you imagining things. Your baby seems to react to the TV and some colourful objects. Understand more of the exciting world through the eyes of a child.
  • - The Learning Baby
  • - Preschool: Is Your Child Ready?
  • - The Benefits of Art and Your Child
What your baby understands:
  • - In the first 3 months
  • - In the 3-6 months
  • - In the 7 months to 1 year
  • - In the 1 to 2 years
  • - In the 2 to 3 years
Speech, Hearing and Vision

You have twins, one has started calling out to you and the other one just does not seem to care. At what age should the child say its first words. And by what age should it begin to speak. Read on for more information.
  • - Hearing
  • - Vision
  • - Does your child stammer?
  • - Trouble Speaking?
  • - Build Speaking Skills
Toilet Training

When should you start toilet training your toddler? How can you train him without putting too much pressure? Is 1-year too early? Find out what is the right age to train your child and how you should do it.
  • - Bowel Control
  • - Bladder Control
  • - Pottying is such sweet sorrow
Teething in Your Child

Your child has become extremely cranky and cries constantly. Could it be teething already? In what order do teeth normally appear. Read on for symptoms and solutions for teething problems.

  • - Schedule of Teething
  • - Is My Child Teething
  • - Teething Troubles
  • - Does your child have a sweet tooth?

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